Art and Poetry are Evolutionary

Walter Brueggemann has said that artists and poets call us to imagine the world differently. Ideally, artists and poets present us with perspectives outside our established routines and systems, outside our ideologies of protection, denial, privilege and exceptionalism. They call … Continued

Film of Painter Phil Petrie

Our community of artists is rich with thinkers and talent. In 2013 we released a two-part documentary of Philip Petrie, an oil painter in our community whose paintings were then showing at the Martha Pace Swift Gallery in San Diego … Continued

William Blake Still Encourages Us

by Mark Turner – When we see elements of our vision in other people’s lives, it confirms our mission, especially when we see them in people’s lives back through past ages.  That is where we connect with world history. The … Continued

The Burning Bush Revisited

by Mark Turner – Here is my digital drawing/collage contemplating the burning bush which Moses turned aside to see (referred to at the end of my previous post). It is said that in the wilderness where Moses tended his sheep … Continued

Exhibition: 3 of 3 Stages

  There is much resistance within and around the artist as they pass through the inspiration and execution stages. But often the greatest resistance is after successfully navigating the first two stages and actually completing a work. So much time, … Continued

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