Prayer Done in Crafting

Though the crafting practice has traveled with me many years, just last February I wrote about the contemplative craft (see “Handwork Contemplation”) and those thoughts have stuck with me as a fresh, counterintuitive way of personal growth. So, the new … Continued

Handwork Contemplation

Turn away from your screens and remember your sense of touch, the faculty of eye-hand coordination, the joy of making something tangible. To engage in that primitive activity which fascinated you as a child is to reawaken an essential part of being human. It gives your inner person an opportunity to feel your connection with other elements of earth and to exercise your position as a person in the image of God.

Relational Wealth

Competition is a basic tenet of society and energizes most people in our endeavors. It is an assumption that is taught to us when we are just beginning to appreciate being members of a world full of people. Early in … Continued

Childlikeness Is Better

I have always been aware of and preferred my “original self”. It is the free self which I experienced as a child. I was fortunate to have parents who embraced spirituality in all that they did, including parenting. It was … Continued

All History Is Right Now

Do you dream of returning to the simpler, idyllic state of the Garden of Eden (Arcadian view), or do you believe we can finally make our way forward to the perfect arrangement (Utopian view)? Usually each of these views is … Continued

Knowing What to Believe

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Many of us get overwhelmed with the issues and, especially in this U.S. “midterm election” season, find it hard to cope with the barrage of political campaigns. Some just take short cuts instead of thinking about everything; just follow their … Continued

Becoming Symbols

We visited the exhibit “Monet to Matisse” at the San Diego Museum of Art in July. It contained examples of Les Nabis, a group of artists in the late 1880’s, which affirmed the idea that art was not only a visual or sensory phenomenon, but primarily an intangible experience aided by the artist’s creation.

Portals to God

I appreciate what you do for and give to me, but you are more than what you give and do. You are a portal to God to the extent that you allow yourself to be. Every human is an extension of God to one another and to all Creation but not all are aware of the capacity for Good that this gives them

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