The Animalistic vs. New Creation

Putin and his followers (including notable American admirers) are living by an animalistic paradigm we tell ourselves we have left in prehistory. It is the cave man mentality of amassing your personal empire by force and enslavement. Bullying is the … Continued

New Energy for 2022

We’ve been reminded of our relational nature by the pandemic dragging on, restricting interaction with one another. Some of us have been quicker than others to develop new ways of connecting with each other. While in-person gathering cannot be replicated … Continued

The Artist’s Rule of Life

If you do not understand a work of art, just sit with it like you would sit in Nature. Just allow it to trickle through your thoughts and consider that you are growing in something new, and that is good. The artist followed an impulse in an intentional way which has become the discipline of their life. For centuries this has been called a Rule of Life and usually is associated with the way a monastery conducts lif

Death Is Okay, Right?

posted in: Actions, Faith, Inspirational, Poetic | 2

As a young person I was oblivious of death, and this was represented by my favorite poem in college, Dylan Thomas’ “Fern Hill,”     (first stanza) “Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house … Continued

Getting Wealth

. . . even if race had not been invented as a way of eliminating competition, our view would still be that the emphasis on devoting one’s life to material gain is an incomplete view of humanity.

Power of the Tiny Particle

Sometimes, when saturated with national and global news, we tend to focus on that larger picture and neglect our main responsibility on the microlevel of our personal relationships and local community.
Voting and demonstrating about the larger issues are good and important community responsibilities, but most of our effectiveness is in the place where we live.

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