Your Table of Creation
Author/Artist Mark R. Turner speaks from his lifetime of experience working as an artist in many forms. He is building this video series based on his workbook of the same title. Current playlists include the Introduction, the first stage of creation Inspiration, and the first installment to the second stage Execution.
Playlists are planned for the two other stages of creation, Execution and Exhibition. Get early access to episodes before release on the second level of Mark’s Patreon page HERE.
For notification of video releases subscribe to Mark’s YouTube Channel HERE.
The print workbook can be purchased HERE.
The ebook can be purchased HERE.
Ask to join the Private Group on Facebook HERE.
Complete Introduction playlist HERE.
- Mark begins this video series by saying that everyone is capable of creativity. Most of us encounter opposition to our creativity and are shut down, but we can push through that resistance and be creative in any field of good work. PLAY HERE
- Mark continues by explaining his Table of Creation: how it guides us in thinking thoroughly about our projects rather than neglecting key aspects which would make a project rise to its highest potential. PLAY HERE
- Mark discusses the fourth row of the Table of Creation: “Ask – Seek – Knock”. This addresses what every creator needs, HOPE. Mark explains how the spiritual element of faith has proven to be key in the creation process. PLAY HERE
Complete Inspiration playlist HERE.
- Mark begins this playlist about the first stage of creativity, the Inspiration stage, by addressing the question “How do you get good ideas and where do they come from?” He encourages us to believe anyone really can create with originality in any field.
PLAY HERE - Mark continues by asking what motivates us to create. He encourages us to take the time to dig deep for our best ideas and describes several contemplative practices to start the creation process in various fields of work. PLAY HERE
- Mark continues by talking about how the intangible idea begins to become the tangible creation. He gives tips on how to take care of the unborn as well as the infant idea. PLAY HERE
Execution playlist is building HERE.
- Mark begins this second stage in the creative process by describing the transition from the inner inspiration of the idea to commencing the concrete, material work of making what you thought of. PLAY HERE
Mark’s Art Process Videos

“Collage Construct No. 1 & No. 2” Mark summarizes 42 years developing these two works of art in less than 2-and-a-half minutes. It is the first video celebrating the grand opening of Mark’s Patreon page found HERE where the first version of this work decorates the page. Both works of art can be purchased for your wall, apparel, accessories, bags, cases and home décor HERE and HERE.
See more art process videos HERE.