The Artist’s Rule of Life

If you do not understand a work of art, just sit with it like you would sit in Nature. Just allow it to trickle through your thoughts and consider that you are growing in something new, and that is good. The artist followed an impulse in an intentional way which has become the discipline of their life. For centuries this has been called a Rule of Life and usually is associated with the way a monastery conducts lif

Is Your Creation Missing?

This is the eighth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. Last post began discussing the third stage of creating, exhibition, when the world beyond the creator’s private work space is invited to … Continued

Exhibition: 3 of 3 Stages

  There is much resistance within and around the artist as they pass through the inspiration and execution stages. But often the greatest resistance is after successfully navigating the first two stages and actually completing a work. So much time, … Continued

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