Handwork Contemplation

Turn away from your screens and remember your sense of touch, the faculty of eye-hand coordination, the joy of making something tangible. To engage in that primitive activity which fascinated you as a child is to reawaken an essential part of being human. It gives your inner person an opportunity to feel your connection with other elements of earth and to exercise your position as a person in the image of God.

Stories Cultivate the Soul

My new book Tales to Cultivate the Soul: 11 alternative stories will be released January 20. Pre-orders are available for only $2. Presales are $1.50 by giving me your email on Smashwords.com. This connection gives you advance notice of print … Continued

Portals to God

I appreciate what you do for and give to me, but you are more than what you give and do. You are a portal to God to the extent that you allow yourself to be. Every human is an extension of God to one another and to all Creation but not all are aware of the capacity for Good that this gives them

Art In the Noosphere

Usually, after completing an arduous work of art, I experience an emptiness. This is often a period of wandering grappling with questions like “What else can I say? What else can I try? Why write and make art? Who cares?” — remnant thoughts from humanity’s long history of self-focus. Lately I’ve been asking, “Why am I watching tutorials and learning new technology?”

Death Is Okay, Right?

posted in: Actions, Faith, Inspirational, Poetic | 2

As a young person I was oblivious of death, and this was represented by my favorite poem in college, Dylan Thomas’ “Fern Hill,”     (first stanza) “Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house … Continued

Getting Wealth

. . . even if race had not been invented as a way of eliminating competition, our view would still be that the emphasis on devoting one’s life to material gain is an incomplete view of humanity.

Still Learning to Participate

This image is an expansion of the flow chart from the post “Art and Poetry are Evolutionary,” about the onward flow of creation (June, 2016). It was a very simple, linear view of how the spiritual awakening of an individual … Continued

Art Makes Something Greater Than Art

This is the seventh in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE.  This post corresponds to the beginning of chapter 3 in my book Your Table of Creation  entitled “Exhibition.” You have asked and received … Continued

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