Handwork Contemplation

Turn away from your screens and remember your sense of touch, the faculty of eye-hand coordination, the joy of making something tangible. To engage in that primitive activity which fascinated you as a child is to reawaken an essential part of being human. It gives your inner person an opportunity to feel your connection with other elements of earth and to exercise your position as a person in the image of God.

A Short Film for the Season

Here is help to pause with nature and reconnect with Life beyond our stresses. Contemplative music accompanying photos we have collected in nature offer eleven minutes of retreat. Many people remember this discipline at this time of year when Lent … Continued

Growing Explores the Unknown

We are created to grow: plants, beasts, humans and the universe. Optimism is the gardener’s viewpoint when planting a seed, repotting a plant, pruning limbs, and mulching the roots; long term, patient optimism about life progressing. That’s one of my … Continued

A Walk in the Mountains

posted in: Inspirational, Nature | 0

I made this short video during our vacation while contemplating nature with Donna on a very quiet walk near our campsite in the Laguna Mountains. I pan across a far reaching meadow framed by pine forest both shading us and … Continued

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