Prayer Done in Crafting

Though the crafting practice has traveled with me many years, just last February I wrote about the contemplative craft (see “Handwork Contemplation”) and those thoughts have stuck with me as a fresh, counterintuitive way of personal growth. So, the new … Continued

Thy Will Be Done

It seems that many of us have given up on “The Lord’s Prayer”. It has become a thoughtless mumble in a ritual that seems too removed from our main life. Many no longer know what The Lord’s Prayer is because their forebearers forgot about it already. In the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples

Living Beyond Certainty

I have caught myself blocking the thought that I could possibly be wrong. The possibility of the unknown, or lack of certainty makes me nervous, even afraid. Wrapped up in that fear is the fear of being tortured forever by … Continued

“Here Am I Listening” Film is Here

Here is the short art film of the poem expressed in spontaneous drawings featured in September. I wrote the poem in September, 2011, during the process of major personal losses, moving to a less desirable environment and facing the mystery … Continued

What Is “Inspiration”?

This is the third in a series about Your Table of Creation, discussing aspects of the three stages of creating. You can start the series HERE, or review the previous post HERE. This “inspiration stage” is vital to authentic creation and … Continued

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