The Content of Expression
It is not only what you say and do that makes your contribution to the world. It is first simply that you say and that you do, whether or not anyone else listens, reads, or observes your deed. You allow … Continued
It is not only what you say and do that makes your contribution to the world. It is first simply that you say and that you do, whether or not anyone else listens, reads, or observes your deed. You allow … Continued
It seems that many of us have given up on “The Lord’s Prayer”. It has become a thoughtless mumble in a ritual that seems too removed from our main life. Many no longer know what The Lord’s Prayer is because their forebearers forgot about it already. In the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples
Puzzling over the massive delusions rampant in our populace, I have written many pages of analysis counseling the reader to Check What You Believe, but, too many words; words too limited. I am choosing the wisdom of sparse, poetic lines to aid contemplation. Comments help with this one after you read it.
I have caught myself blocking the thought that I could possibly be wrong. The possibility of the unknown, or lack of certainty makes me nervous, even afraid. Wrapped up in that fear is the fear of being tortured forever by … Continued