From Space Dust to Cities

Twenty poems and six essays are paired with thirty-two works of art and photography in this contemplative volume. The poems and essays are drawn from the past decade of my 53 year career as a playwright, visual artist, filmmaker and … Continued

Comforting Hovers

This is an oil painting with soundscape by Mark R. Turner. The painting, 35″x35″, was done in Brussels, Belgium, in 1979 and inspired Mark to write a poem 28 years later, 2007, in the mountain community of Julian, California. As … Continued

Art In the Noosphere

Usually, after completing an arduous work of art, I experience an emptiness. This is often a period of wandering grappling with questions like “What else can I say? What else can I try? Why write and make art? Who cares?” — remnant thoughts from humanity’s long history of self-focus. Lately I’ve been asking, “Why am I watching tutorials and learning new technology?”

From Parts to the Whole

I am offering here a myth in the best sense of the word. It is just a sketch about what has been happening since the Big Bang until now. Just a sketch full of rough edges from my thinking that … Continued

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