When You Pause

In the labors and burdens of life we at one moment or another sigh, “God.” If we let that sigh extend beyond the moment, we can discover new expanse in our universe, new capacity to rest and be renewed. Focusing … Continued

Art In the Noosphere

Usually, after completing an arduous work of art, I experience an emptiness. This is often a period of wandering grappling with questions like “What else can I say? What else can I try? Why write and make art? Who cares?” — remnant thoughts from humanity’s long history of self-focus. Lately I’ve been asking, “Why am I watching tutorials and learning new technology?”

From Parts to the Whole

I am offering here a myth in the best sense of the word. It is just a sketch about what has been happening since the Big Bang until now. Just a sketch full of rough edges from my thinking that … Continued

Open Without Fear

In my new novella Ray of Lightning, just released, I show people caught in various kinds of slavery. Some are blinded by deception that covers up assumptions enslaving them, while others use deception to help them survive oppression. Will they … Continued

Watching Ourselves Change

This animation was started 50 years ago. Wanting to practice on my new graphics tablet and explore Photoshop’s animation features, I used a photo of a six foot painting I did in my youth as a template to draw progressively, frame by frame, a new version of the painting.

Is Your Creation Missing?

This is the eighth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. Last post began discussing the third stage of creating, exhibition, when the world beyond the creator’s private work space is invited to … Continued

Pressing Ahead to Beauty

This is the sixth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE.  We are exploring the second stage in the creative process as offered in the Table of Creation, the stage of Execution. Seeking … Continued

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