“Here Am I Listening” Film is Here

Here is the short art film of the poem expressed in spontaneous drawings featured in September. I wrote the poem in September, 2011, during the process of major personal losses, moving to a less desirable environment and facing the mystery … Continued

Is Your Creation Missing?

This is the eighth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. Last post began discussing the third stage of creating, exhibition, when the world beyond the creator’s private work space is invited to … Continued

Art Makes Something Greater Than Art

This is the seventh in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE.  This post corresponds to the beginning of chapter 3 in my book Your Table of Creation  entitled “Exhibition.” You have asked and received … Continued

Pressing Ahead to Beauty

This is the sixth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE.  We are exploring the second stage in the creative process as offered in the Table of Creation, the stage of Execution. Seeking … Continued

From Idea to Real Thing

This is the fifth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. The first aspect of creation we have considered is “inspiration” which we described as a contemplative, prayerful time sparking our belief that … Continued

Nurturing the Idea Within

This is the fourth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. The Inner Activity In the previous post I discussed inspiration as an asking time. This asking usually becomes a dialogue in my … Continued

What Is “Inspiration”?

This is the third in a series about Your Table of Creation, discussing aspects of the three stages of creating. You can start the series HERE, or review the previous post HERE. This “inspiration stage” is vital to authentic creation and … Continued

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