Living Beyond Certainty

I have caught myself blocking the thought that I could possibly be wrong. The possibility of the unknown, or lack of certainty makes me nervous, even afraid. Wrapped up in that fear is the fear of being tortured forever by … Continued

A Walk in the Mountains

posted in: Inspirational, Nature | 0

I made this short video during our vacation while contemplating nature with Donna on a very quiet walk near our campsite in the Laguna Mountains. I pan across a far reaching meadow framed by pine forest both shading us and … Continued

Still Learning to Participate

This image is an expansion of the flow chart from the post “Art and Poetry are Evolutionary,” about the onward flow of creation (June, 2016). It was a very simple, linear view of how the spiritual awakening of an individual … Continued

“Here Am I Listening” Film is Here

Here is the short art film of the poem expressed in spontaneous drawings featured in September. I wrote the poem in September, 2011, during the process of major personal losses, moving to a less desirable environment and facing the mystery … Continued

Find The Treasure In This Art

This is a digital collage & drawing I created combining my poem with a collection of images. Click HERE to view the complete work in higher resolution. Those who take the time will find intriguing interactions and coincidences between the textures, lines, … Continued

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