Getting Wealth

. . . even if race had not been invented as a way of eliminating competition, our view would still be that the emphasis on devoting one’s life to material gain is an incomplete view of humanity.

Power of the Tiny Particle

Sometimes, when saturated with national and global news, we tend to focus on that larger picture and neglect our main responsibility on the microlevel of our personal relationships and local community.
Voting and demonstrating about the larger issues are good and important community responsibilities, but most of our effectiveness is in the place where we live.

Dancing Daily Grows the New Creature

I’m reading Teilhard de Chardin’s The Phenomenon of Man (1955) in which he describes life transforming to more and more complexity and shows that life continues to grow beyond the outward form. As a prominent paleontologist and naturalist as well as Jesuit priest he believed life sciences should explore not only the outer forms – the skeletons that remain, the physical effects, the material world – but include the “within” – the imagination, consciousness, the spiritual.

Accepting the Beatitudes to Myself

Each of us can choose how far we will go as creators, which I believe is a collaboration with God. One source of clues for this belief is the ancient affirmations of Jesus spoken to a crowd on a hillside of Judea.

The Great Culmination

It does not take a very discerning analysis to conclude that the driving force of most human endeavor is focused on the material world. We are all living at some level of acquiring, managing, serving, or struggling with the material … Continued

The Values of Victimhood

posted in: Inspirational, The Artist's Life | 4

In the wake of the scandalous hearings of Brett Kavanaugh’s assumption to the Supreme Court I re-read the story of the woman making a spectacle of herself by anointing Jesus’ feet at a very exclusive dinner party (Luke 7:36-50). I … Continued

Why Walk Into the Unknown?

Reading about Johannes Kepler’s given circumstances (1571-1630), buildings blocking his astronomical observations, having to move repeatedly to find new accommodations conducive to his work (Prague, Linz), the coming and going of his employers (government changes and rulers), troubles of warring … Continued

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