Rising From Deep Under

Four months ago a short, simple poem emerged from my early morning meditations and started me building this mixed media image which I finished just in time for the New Year. I had been contemplating my progression in life and … Continued

Pause Long Enough

posted in: Inspirational, Poetic, Visual Arts | 2

This season recalls the principle of great, cosmic reality being revealed by the seemingly insignificant piece. Some have been mindful of key details (persons) when most of us have passed over them.  Holidays bring added details with obligations to rush through; … Continued

Find The Treasure In This Art

This is a digital collage & drawing I created combining my poem with a collection of images. Click HERE to view the complete work in higher resolution. Those who take the time will find intriguing interactions and coincidences between the textures, lines, … Continued

Meeting Vincent Van Gogh

by Mark R. Turner –  I remember meeting Vincent Van Gogh in person for the first time. When I think of all the things which could have circumvented our meeting I thank God for the enormous effort put forth by … Continued

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