Seeing More Than Christmas

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My prayer is for all who will to pause long enough to recognize more Truth and Beauty.  Here is a poem I wrote about that.

Going into Bethlehem
To see this thing
Of which we were told,
We gazed on the baby,
Another of us born anew.

The world did not know him, or us,
For it did not appear
What he would be,
Or how we would become him.

We beheld ourselves gazing
As into a mirror, yet darkly,
For we knew not what new creation
Lay through this door.

Day following day
Would inevitably grow
From this manger to appear
When we would see him as he is,
The precedent by God’s grace
Elevating us through himself,
Making us the body
God incarnates.

So, we look from this plain far beyond,
Lifting off the previous world,
Sojourning through his open portal,
Seeing ourselves as him ahead,
Hearing the call to come forth
As a seed leaves earth
Into sky of light and wind,
Being new
More than we can
Think or imagine.

Mark R. Turner