Look At the Moment

posted in: Inspirational, Poetic | 0

Galaxies with rock image faintly merged into spaceLook at the moment;
Hold the sight of frozen time;
Treasure those people,
Those events which turn our story.
Codify the telling
Which defines our lifeway;
Hold to it until
Addressed with new tongues
Of knowledge opened only
Because of the telling
Carried ahead
Where we are headed.

From billions of light years distant
Perceive magnified scenes
Happening billions of years ago,
No longer there,
Long since moved away.
Beginnings colored and set
By studious attention
In light of subsequent years
Of children’s children,
Though precious for roots,
Have grown ahead.

Coming to the place last laid
Where all seemed ended,
Find unexpected vacancy.
The One thought finished
Left word to move on,
Meet him beyond the precious ground,
Reach forward where he precedes,
Undefined creating,
Leave illusory containment,
Static, stagnant state of death;
Ascend where life goes,
Overwhelm the nothingness.

Mark R. Turner
May 6, 2014
See Mark’s volume of 51 poems