Check What You Believe

Puzzling over the massive delusions rampant in our populace, I have written many pages of analysis counseling the reader to Check What You Believe, but, too many words; words too limited. I am choosing the wisdom of sparse, poetic lines to aid contemplation. Comments help with this one after you read it.

Getting Wealth

. . . even if race had not been invented as a way of eliminating competition, our view would still be that the emphasis on devoting one’s life to material gain is an incomplete view of humanity.

Power of the Tiny Particle

Sometimes, when saturated with national and global news, we tend to focus on that larger picture and neglect our main responsibility on the microlevel of our personal relationships and local community.
Voting and demonstrating about the larger issues are good and important community responsibilities, but most of our effectiveness is in the place where we live.

Open Without Fear

In my new novella Ray of Lightning, just released, I show people caught in various kinds of slavery. Some are blinded by deception that covers up assumptions enslaving them, while others use deception to help them survive oppression. Will they … Continued

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