Building the Good is Sustainable

We list people throughout history who were change agents and remarkable for their perseverance. People such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Dorothy Day, and Jimmy Carter drew their strength from a place which the opposition … Continued

Light is not Quenched

In our cosmic formation I believe the majority of people still prefer the light. The recent American nationalistic campaigns witnessed the dark side out-maneuvering a campaign for light and progress. I have listened to well-meaning people who despise the con … Continued

Renting Can Be Creating

We are encountering the demands and barriers which have reached incredible heights since the last time we searched for a rental. How do we survive in such a greedy world? Conventional wisdom bases itself on material options of wealth, position, … Continued

The Content of Expression

It is not only what you say and do that makes your contribution to the world. It is first simply that you say and that you do, whether or not anyone else listens, reads, or observes your deed. You allow … Continued

Prayer Done in Crafting

Though the crafting practice has traveled with me many years, just last February I wrote about the contemplative craft (see “Handwork Contemplation”) and those thoughts have stuck with me as a fresh, counterintuitive way of personal growth. So, the new … Continued

Handwork Contemplation

Turn away from your screens and remember your sense of touch, the faculty of eye-hand coordination, the joy of making something tangible. To engage in that primitive activity which fascinated you as a child is to reawaken an essential part of being human. It gives your inner person an opportunity to feel your connection with other elements of earth and to exercise your position as a person in the image of God.

Relational Wealth

Competition is a basic tenet of society and energizes most people in our endeavors. It is an assumption that is taught to us when we are just beginning to appreciate being members of a world full of people. Early in … Continued

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