Living Beyond Certainty

I have caught myself blocking the thought that I could possibly be wrong. The possibility of the unknown, or lack of certainty makes me nervous, even afraid. Wrapped up in that fear is the fear of being tortured forever by … Continued

Growing Explores the Unknown

We are created to grow: plants, beasts, humans and the universe. Optimism is the gardener’s viewpoint when planting a seed, repotting a plant, pruning limbs, and mulching the roots; long term, patient optimism about life progressing. That’s one of my … Continued

The Values of Victimhood

posted in: Inspirational, The Artist's Life | 4

In the wake of the scandalous hearings of Brett Kavanaugh’s assumption to the Supreme Court I re-read the story of the woman making a spectacle of herself by anointing Jesus’ feet at a very exclusive dinner party (Luke 7:36-50). I … Continued

Voice Your Own Stories

To know something because you were there is different from learning it second hand. Some would say it is better to have been there and done that than to be told about it, even if it took a multi-million-dollar budget, … Continued

Film Animates Notes

This is an animated memo of thoughts from my journal resulting from contemplation aboutour origins,the dynamic growth of the material universe,why there is something rather than nothing,the great amount that humanity has learned which increases the mysteries of our existence,the … Continued

A Walk in the Mountains

posted in: Inspirational, Nature | 0

I made this short video during our vacation while contemplating nature with Donna on a very quiet walk near our campsite in the Laguna Mountains. I pan across a far reaching meadow framed by pine forest both shading us and … Continued

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