Building the Good is Sustainable

We list people throughout history who were change agents and remarkable for their perseverance. People such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Dorothy Day, and Jimmy Carter drew their strength from a place which the opposition … Continued

Art as Incarnation

When I have created something, I think of the mysterious thoughts and moves within a person forming an idea, all that has gone before to make this person arrange mental concepts, images, formulae, memories of sounds which excite the hope of birthing something into the world. The energy of that interior excitement causes bodily action which changes or remixes the exterior world resulting in the becoming of something which was not there before. It is spirit incarnating materiality.

Childlikeness Is Better

I have always been aware of and preferred my “original self”. It is the free self which I experienced as a child. I was fortunate to have parents who embraced spirituality in all that they did, including parenting. It was … Continued

Portals to God

I appreciate what you do for and give to me, but you are more than what you give and do. You are a portal to God to the extent that you allow yourself to be. Every human is an extension of God to one another and to all Creation but not all are aware of the capacity for Good that this gives them

Getting Wealth

. . . even if race had not been invented as a way of eliminating competition, our view would still be that the emphasis on devoting one’s life to material gain is an incomplete view of humanity.

Your Containers Or Your Life

My mixed media image has us sitting out with the containers. But, wouldn’t you like to see what that design is like on the layer behind? There is a story about a wedding celebration which went way beyond an afternoon … Continued

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