Voice Your Own Stories

To know something because you were there is different from learning it second hand. Some would say it is better to have been there and done that than to be told about it, even if it took a multi-million-dollar budget, … Continued

Film Animates Notes

This is an animated memo of thoughts from my journal resulting from contemplation aboutour origins,the dynamic growth of the material universe,why there is something rather than nothing,the great amount that humanity has learned which increases the mysteries of our existence,the … Continued

Why Walk Into the Unknown?

Reading about Johannes Kepler’s given circumstances (1571-1630), buildings blocking his astronomical observations, having to move repeatedly to find new accommodations conducive to his work (Prague, Linz), the coming and going of his employers (government changes and rulers), troubles of warring … Continued

This Film Renews Ancient Warning

I am a late viewer of Leonardo DiCaprio’s important documentary “Before the Flood” (2016) . It starts with Hieronymus Bosch’s monumental artistic prophecy  (painted between 1490 and 1510) of humanity’s degradation of the Creation and then documents the real, current day … Continued

Are We Growing Up?

I am thankful to find writers all around who put into words principles that I experience in my work and contemplation. I found an unusual and ground-breaking book of theology and the arts entitled Found Theology: History, Imagination and the Holy Spirit … Continued

Still Learning to Participate

This image is an expansion of the flow chart from the post “Art and Poetry are Evolutionary,” about the onward flow of creation (June, 2016). It was a very simple, linear view of how the spiritual awakening of an individual … Continued

Creating In the Middle of Trouble

I have been reading about the years of the Renaissance (roughly 1300 to 1500 – no hard boundaries). We think of the Renaissance as the most glorious period of art, writing, music and discoveries, the time of geniuses accomplishing masterpieces of … Continued

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