The Person from Beyond
The institutional church over the centuries has “rarified” the phenomenon of Jesus’ Passion, making it more of an abstract, technical, theological symbol elevated away from its relevance to current life on earth.
The institutional church over the centuries has “rarified” the phenomenon of Jesus’ Passion, making it more of an abstract, technical, theological symbol elevated away from its relevance to current life on earth.
This is the season when masses of people make special effort to express Love. I encourage everyone to participate in this. I know that much of our efforts overemphasize materialism in “opening the presents”, and consuming extra food and drink. … Continued
I relaxed in my zero-gravity chair where Donna in her chair and I were the only people in the forest and meadows around the abandoned Stonewall Mine, near Julian, California. The gentle breeze caressed, and the birds entertained us. On … Continued
Competition is a basic tenet of society and energizes most people in our endeavors. It is an assumption that is taught to us when we are just beginning to appreciate being members of a world full of people. Early in … Continued
I have always been aware of and preferred my “original self”. It is the free self which I experienced as a child. I was fortunate to have parents who embraced spirituality in all that they did, including parenting. It was … Continued
Do you dream of returning to the simpler, idyllic state of the Garden of Eden (Arcadian view), or do you believe we can finally make our way forward to the perfect arrangement (Utopian view)? Usually each of these views is … Continued
I appreciate what you do for and give to me, but you are more than what you give and do. You are a portal to God to the extent that you allow yourself to be. Every human is an extension of God to one another and to all Creation but not all are aware of the capacity for Good that this gives them
If you do not understand a work of art, just sit with it like you would sit in Nature. Just allow it to trickle through your thoughts and consider that you are growing in something new, and that is good. The artist followed an impulse in an intentional way which has become the discipline of their life. For centuries this has been called a Rule of Life and usually is associated with the way a monastery conducts lif
The starting point of making something is not with the materials, although I do find that playing with materials and tools generates inspiration. It is the non-material inspiration which empowers the process of making. Contemplation of the immaterial, the idea, … Continued
Worried about losing? Experiencing loss? Even winners have to lose something in order to win. When loss happens it is the opportunity to glimpse our True Self — who we are without that which we just lost.