Stones Witness Our Changes

posted in: Contemplative, Inspirational, Nature | 0

Nothing stops moving. The tilt of the earth keeps pointing at the sun in a different position second by second and we think, “It’s already Christmas again?”
The monumental rocks which we gaze at in awe for their fixed sameness each time we visit the mountains, are also changing so slowly it is imperceptible. But they witness the grass, trees, and campers speed by in their life cycles like we watch the life of a gnat.

Stories Cultivate the Soul

My new book Tales to Cultivate the Soul: 11 alternative stories will be released January 20. Pre-orders are available for only $2. Presales are $1.50 by giving me your email on This connection gives you advance notice of print … Continued

All History Is Right Now

Do you dream of returning to the simpler, idyllic state of the Garden of Eden (Arcadian view), or do you believe we can finally make our way forward to the perfect arrangement (Utopian view)? Usually each of these views is … Continued

The Wrappings of Christmas

posted in: Faith, Inspirational | 0

The Christmas collection of cultural traditions is enjoyed by people around the world even as cultures vary and change.  To create and operate within cultures is a human invariant. Human invariants include eating, sleeping, working to make home, communicating in … Continued

Comforting Hovers

This is an oil painting with soundscape by Mark R. Turner. The painting, 35″x35″, was done in Brussels, Belgium, in 1979 and inspired Mark to write a poem 28 years later, 2007, in the mountain community of Julian, California. As … Continued

God In Flesh

I am thankful for the season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany bringing the profound largess of Love close to my whole being. Gradually I am awakening to the reality that God is not a separate being aloof and impersonal, but, … Continued

Power of the Tiny Particle

Sometimes, when saturated with national and global news, we tend to focus on that larger picture and neglect our main responsibility on the microlevel of our personal relationships and local community.
Voting and demonstrating about the larger issues are good and important community responsibilities, but most of our effectiveness is in the place where we live.

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