Renting Can Be Creating

We are encountering the demands and barriers which have reached incredible heights since the last time we searched for a rental. How do we survive in such a greedy world? Conventional wisdom bases itself on material options of wealth, position, … Continued

Art as Incarnation

When I have created something, I think of the mysterious thoughts and moves within a person forming an idea, all that has gone before to make this person arrange mental concepts, images, formulae, memories of sounds which excite the hope of birthing something into the world. The energy of that interior excitement causes bodily action which changes or remixes the exterior world resulting in the becoming of something which was not there before. It is spirit incarnating materiality.

The Wrappings of Christmas

posted in: Faith, Inspirational | 0

The Christmas collection of cultural traditions is enjoyed by people around the world even as cultures vary and change.  To create and operate within cultures is a human invariant. Human invariants include eating, sleeping, working to make home, communicating in … Continued

Becoming Symbols

We visited the exhibit “Monet to Matisse” at the San Diego Museum of Art in July. It contained examples of Les Nabis, a group of artists in the late 1880’s, which affirmed the idea that art was not only a visual or sensory phenomenon, but primarily an intangible experience aided by the artist’s creation.

Diversity Gravitates

You look everywhere and see more differences than sameness. How can there be togetherness?
It is because we are all different that we can make a whole. You don’t want a puzzle with every piece the same. How would they fit together?
We open a little bit to admit some variety

Nurturing the Idea Within

This is the fourth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. The Inner Activity In the previous post I discussed inspiration as an asking time. This asking usually becomes a dialogue in my … Continued

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