Building the Good is Sustainable

We list people throughout history who were change agents and remarkable for their perseverance. People such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Dorothy Day, and Jimmy Carter drew their strength from a place which the opposition … Continued

Getting Wealth

. . . even if race had not been invented as a way of eliminating competition, our view would still be that the emphasis on devoting one’s life to material gain is an incomplete view of humanity.

Why Walk Into the Unknown?

Reading about Johannes Kepler’s given circumstances (1571-1630), buildings blocking his astronomical observations, having to move repeatedly to find new accommodations conducive to his work (Prague, Linz), the coming and going of his employers (government changes and rulers), troubles of warring … Continued

This Film Renews Ancient Warning

I am a late viewer of Leonardo DiCaprio’s important documentary “Before the Flood” (2016) . It starts with Hieronymus Bosch’s monumental artistic prophecy  (painted between 1490 and 1510) of humanity’s degradation of the Creation and then documents the real, current day … Continued

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