Renting Can Be Creating

We are encountering the demands and barriers which have reached incredible heights since the last time we searched for a rental. How do we survive in such a greedy world? Conventional wisdom bases itself on material options of wealth, position, … Continued

The Content of Expression

It is not only what you say and do that makes your contribution to the world. It is first simply that you say and that you do, whether or not anyone else listens, reads, or observes your deed. You allow … Continued

Prayer Done in Crafting

Though the crafting practice has traveled with me many years, just last February I wrote about the contemplative craft (see “Handwork Contemplation”) and those thoughts have stuck with me as a fresh, counterintuitive way of personal growth. So, the new … Continued

Thy Will Be Done

It seems that many of us have given up on “The Lord’s Prayer”. It has become a thoughtless mumble in a ritual that seems too removed from our main life. Many no longer know what The Lord’s Prayer is because their forebearers forgot about it already. In the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples

Stories Cultivate the Soul

My new book Tales to Cultivate the Soul: 11 alternative stories will be released January 20. Pre-orders are available for only $2. Presales are $1.50 by giving me your email on This connection gives you advance notice of print … Continued

Always Becoming

I relaxed in my zero-gravity chair where Donna in her chair and I were the only people in the forest and meadows around the abandoned Stonewall Mine, near Julian, California. The gentle breeze caressed, and the birds entertained us. On … Continued

Art as Incarnation

When I have created something, I think of the mysterious thoughts and moves within a person forming an idea, all that has gone before to make this person arrange mental concepts, images, formulae, memories of sounds which excite the hope of birthing something into the world. The energy of that interior excitement causes bodily action which changes or remixes the exterior world resulting in the becoming of something which was not there before. It is spirit incarnating materiality.

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