Light is not Quenched

In our cosmic formation I believe the majority of people still prefer the light. The recent American nationalistic campaigns witnessed the dark side out-maneuvering a campaign for light and progress. I have listened to well-meaning people who despise the con … Continued

The Wrappings of Christmas

posted in: Faith, Inspirational | 0

The Christmas collection of cultural traditions is enjoyed by people around the world even as cultures vary and change.  To create and operate within cultures is a human invariant. Human invariants include eating, sleeping, working to make home, communicating in … Continued

Becoming Symbols

We visited the exhibit “Monet to Matisse” at the San Diego Museum of Art in July. It contained examples of Les Nabis, a group of artists in the late 1880’s, which affirmed the idea that art was not only a visual or sensory phenomenon, but primarily an intangible experience aided by the artist’s creation.

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