God in the Box
We know that everyone’s worldview helps them organize themselves to navigate their journey through life. But there is a broader influence on our movement through reality …
We know that everyone’s worldview helps them organize themselves to navigate their journey through life. But there is a broader influence on our movement through reality …
In our cosmic formation I believe the majority of people still prefer the light. The recent American nationalistic campaigns witnessed the dark side out-maneuvering a campaign for light and progress. I have listened to well-meaning people who despise the con … Continued
We are encountering the demands and barriers which have reached incredible heights since the last time we searched for a rental. How do we survive in such a greedy world? Conventional wisdom bases itself on material options of wealth, position, … Continued
It is not only what you say and do that makes your contribution to the world. It is first simply that you say and that you do, whether or not anyone else listens, reads, or observes your deed. You allow … Continued
Competition is a basic tenet of society and energizes most people in our endeavors. It is an assumption that is taught to us when we are just beginning to appreciate being members of a world full of people. Early in … Continued
I am reading Christians Against Christianity by Obery M. Hendricks Jr., a book that I have to close between chapters to calm myself down in anguish over the hijacking and reversal of Christ-following. Hendricks, like me, came from an evangelical … Continued
The Christmas collection of cultural traditions is enjoyed by people around the world even as cultures vary and change. To create and operate within cultures is a human invariant. Human invariants include eating, sleeping, working to make home, communicating in … Continued
There is a beauty in opening, turning out to radiate inner goodness to the world beyond oneself. We all have that progression in our natural birth, growth and relating as a member of humanity. Self-love grows to include the rest … Continued
Cynicism claims more concrete evidence than optimism by pointing out the obvious troubles. Optimism seems to be based on less concrete unknowns. The cynic assumes everything is going down. The optimist hopes in the ultimate rise of Goodness. We wouldn’t … Continued
Most of us act like we don’t believe anything is beyond this earthly life and that death is the immutable end. But, since before pre-history we have been sensing there is more and mostly have thought of it as worth … Continued