Stones Witness Our Changes

posted in: Contemplative, Inspirational, Nature | 0

Nothing stops moving. The tilt of the earth keeps pointing at the sun in a different position second by second and we think, “It’s already Christmas again?”
The monumental rocks which we gaze at in awe for their fixed sameness each time we visit the mountains, are also changing so slowly it is imperceptible. But they witness the grass, trees, and campers speed by in their life cycles like we watch the life of a gnat.

Knowing What to Believe

posted in: Actions, The Artist's Life | 0

Many of us get overwhelmed with the issues and, especially in this U.S. “midterm election” season, find it hard to cope with the barrage of political campaigns. Some just take short cuts instead of thinking about everything; just follow their … Continued

This Film Renews Ancient Warning

I am a late viewer of Leonardo DiCaprio’s important documentary “Before the Flood” (2016) . It starts with Hieronymus Bosch’s monumental artistic prophecy  (painted between 1490 and 1510) of humanity’s degradation of the Creation and then documents the real, current day … Continued

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