As much as I hate them, the evils we are witnessing unwittingly give us the grace of blatantly showcasing their wrongness. Seeing evil clearly should motivate us to walk away from it. Repentance is not as hard with such clarity: to admit we were wrong, turn around, go the right way and try to make restorations. But it’s not like we’ve never seen this. For thousands of years this clarity has been in our face.
We are still tempted to settle for the dark state of being, the evolutionary branch of “animalistic”, dog-eat-dog ways. The sectarian and nationalistic way of dividing up creation in order to control it is going extinct, but we don’t have to go down with it. We know the higher call out of it, the higher call into Love which empowers us to create, heal, and will greater life. Universal life is germinating as the outcome of the power we call Love. The very materiality of the universe – the size, the distance, the abundance, the expansion, the phenomenon of life – manifests the future of this mysterious progression.
For those who revere scripture, the passages of ancient writing below are renewed in today’s context. We are clearly given the choice to leave the stage of development which has characterized the last few millennia and to mature into the new stage which holds the future. Now that we can see time and resources running out our choice is more urgent than when our ancestors thought the earth was limitless.
The next state of Creation is what Jesus demonstrated. Instead of ways which wield material strength, wealth and violence to force and control an order, Jesus demonstrated the way of spiritual will for abundance, freedom, growth, health, and harmony with materiality.
Believing Moves Evolution
Believing within the True Self of our inner person is the threshold of this evolutionary change, as Jesus affirmed in those who received miraculous healings. “Your faith has made you well,” he often affirmed, and repeatedly taught that we have the capacity to become the active agents of a “new creation.” He told his disciples to calm the storm, feed the masses, raise the dead, and cast out demons. This is not the crumbling materialist, capitalist, nationalist way of power. Our destiny is beyond these.
Scriptures Affirming the “New Creation”
2 Corinthians 5
14 For the love of Christ controls us, …17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [he/she] is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.
Galatians 2:20
20 … I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, and that life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Isaiah 43:18-19
18 “You must not remember the former things, and you must not consider the former things. 19 Look! I am about to do a new thing! Now it sprouts! Do you not perceive it? …
1 John 3:9
9 Everyone who is [fathered/parented] by God does not practice sin, because [God’s] seed resides in [them] … 14 We know that we have passed over from death to life because we love the [brothers/sisters]. The one who does not love remains in death.
The New Creation is in Our DNA
The seed, the DNA, the next level of evolution, is resident in us and we can allow it to bloom by believing. This transforms our behavior in word and deed. The choices we make in our day-to-day lives manifests in ways which show the spirit merging with the material. The ways of Love characterize this next level of our development.
Sin, death, violence, attacking the “different”, enforcing material dominance, hoarding material things, … such are the characteristics of the undeveloped creature and in them it organizes its world in very sophisticated systems of political and economic power.
Will humanity step up from the old state of development into the new?

Jesus demonstrated the new creation in the midst of the old order of his day resulting in a long line through history of many adopting the believing which is the portal to this new state. Each of us who go through that portal do our part to answer the question of humanity.
The old state fights to maintain dominance, but the new state is not quenched. Individuals continue to enter into the new state by believing and willfully changing. The bonds of Love unite individual believers and nurture the new state which is intended for all humanity. The believing is viral and cannot be stopped, nor limited to the old views of time, history, wealth, hierarchy, violence, and threat of death.
1 Peter 1
22 … love one another fervently from the heart, 23 because you have been born again, not from perishable seed but imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God … 25 … but the word of the Lord endures ⌊forever⌋. And this is the word that has been proclaimed to you.
“Word” is metaphorical for the will of creation which is the seed implanted in us. The will of universal creation which caused the “big bang” is now pressing creation to rise out of the stage of development we can see is not our future.
We have been made aware of our next stage and of our capacity to mature into it. Its seed is within us, and we can allow it, choose it, live it by the energy that Love imparts to our receptive hearts.
We have arrived at the juncture where we have a say in whether to end our existence in self-indulgence or grow up into the new reality. To be sure, this new way is actively differentiating itself from the old. It is lifting materiality from the oppressed survival mode to the spiritual incarnation which fulfills us as fellow members of the Body Universe, each living our part of the whole in the freedom of Love.
Dave Olson
Mark, this is bold and prophetic. You are looking forward with courage, and your words bring hope.
I am living into a similar hope. Thank you.
Thank you for your affirmation, Dave. Living the Light boosts the Light in others. Christ in you is the hope of that ultimate New Creation. May your Light be brightened by the Spirit.