Art Makes Something Greater Than Art
This is the seventh in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. This post corresponds to the beginning of chapter 3 in my book Your Table of Creation entitled “Exhibition.” You have asked and received … Continued
Pressing Ahead to Beauty
This is the sixth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. We are exploring the second stage in the creative process as offered in the Table of Creation, the stage of Execution. Seeking … Continued
From Idea to Real Thing
This is the fifth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. The first aspect of creation we have considered is “inspiration” which we described as a contemplative, prayerful time sparking our belief that … Continued
Nurturing the Idea Within
This is the fourth in a series which you can start HERE, or review the previous post HERE. The Inner Activity In the previous post I discussed inspiration as an asking time. This asking usually becomes a dialogue in my … Continued
What Is “Inspiration”?
This is the third in a series about Your Table of Creation, discussing aspects of the three stages of creating. You can start the series HERE, or review the previous post HERE. This “inspiration stage” is vital to authentic creation and … Continued
Seeing More Than Christmas
My prayer is for all who will to pause long enough to recognize more Truth and Beauty. Here is a poem I wrote about that. Going into Bethlehem To see this thing Of which we were told, We gazed on the … Continued
Computer Crash – Life Expands
The other day I had a real scare. The primary tool I work with everyday to serve clients, write , and make art — my computer crashed. This was not only a sudden threat to my livelihood, but to my … Continued
Ask, Seek, Knock = Creation
In the last post I showed the “Table of Creation” below which reflects prompts from my 47+ years of experience practicing the arts. I have found that the concepts it represents can be applied to almost any field of creation. You … Continued
Introducing the Table of Creation
This is the first in a series about the forthcoming book Your Table of Creation, discussing aspects of the three stages of creating. You can click HERE for the second post, or HERE for the third post. The process usually attributed to artists … Continued
Art and Poetry are Evolutionary
Walter Brueggemann has said that artists and poets call us to imagine the world differently. Ideally, artists and poets present us with perspectives outside our established routines and systems, outside our ideologies of protection, denial, privilege and exceptionalism. They call … Continued