This is not giving permission, or a license, to copy the whole book, only individual scripts. Whenever you need another script you can purchase permission here to make enough copies for all your readers instead of buying enough books for everyone. Still, lots of people would enjoy having the whole book and it would be less copies for you to make and store.

Purchase the book with this button.



Please understand the terms of this license:

  1. This license is based upon you purchasing the book and copying pages from it. We do not provide pages here.
  2. You may copy an individual script the number of times you indicate in the form below at a rate of $2.00 US per copy, payment in advance.
  3. You may keep on file and reuse the copies for which you have license as long as you want.
  4. This license does not in any way convey the copyrights of the script to you. You do not own but have only purchased a license to use the script. Therefore, you may not sell, re-copy, loan, give away, or plagiarize the copies you have made. Each reader must turn in to you the copy they have used. Return here to purchase a license to replace or increase the number of script copies.
  5. The title page, cast of characters page and other notes pages must be included with each copy.
  6. The receipt for your payment is your proof of a license and your agreement to abide by the terms of this license. We will send you an e-mail to confirm.
  7. No other licenses are given or implied by this license. See other licenses offered on this site by clicking HERE.
Click the “Buy Now” button above the script you want a license to copy.
You will be able to fill in the number of copies after clicking the button.
Note: The following PayPal buttons are completely secure even though your browser may indicate this page is not.

“Born Blind”

“Campaign Supper”

“Finding Peter”

“Where’s My Sting?”

“You After All”

“CafĂ© Water”

“A Good Man Once A Monster”

“City Seed”

“The Morning Announcement”

“The Prodigal Son”

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