Stories Cultivate the Soul

My new book Tales to Cultivate the Soul: 11 alternative stories will be released January 20. Pre-orders are available for only $2. Presales are $1.50 by giving me your email on This connection gives you advance notice of print … Continued

God In Flesh

I am thankful for the season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany bringing the profound largess of Love close to my whole being. Gradually I am awakening to the reality that God is not a separate being aloof and impersonal, but, … Continued

Art In the Noosphere

Usually, after completing an arduous work of art, I experience an emptiness. This is often a period of wandering grappling with questions like “What else can I say? What else can I try? Why write and make art? Who cares?” — remnant thoughts from humanity’s long history of self-focus. Lately I’ve been asking, “Why am I watching tutorials and learning new technology?”

Exhibition: 3 of 3 Stages

  There is much resistance within and around the artist as they pass through the inspiration and execution stages. But often the greatest resistance is after successfully navigating the first two stages and actually completing a work. So much time, … Continued

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